Friday, April 30, 2010

Django To The Wind

I had never heard of Django Reinhardt until I saw Woody Allen's movie Sweet and Lowdown, but after seeing Sean Penn's character's idolization of Django in film, I made a point to seek out his catalog. Jazz guitar is a really soothing genre, and Django is the king.

Django Reinhardt on Hype Machine

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nothing but Gant?

Am I reading this right? Does this store sell nothing but vintage Gant clothing items? So, you're telling me there's a chance!?!

Dust Off the Old Stock []

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Scores of Stores

Lists are most often a win-lose situation; they're fun to read, but disagreements are unavoidable. Anyone who enjoys vintage clothing and, more importantly, shopping for vintage clothing, has their favorite store. There is no way that everyone's personal preference will be listed. So I'm sure you consumers will have a destination that you believe merits inclusion on this list. I say just enjoy the fact that a magazine such as GQ thought enough of the niche to post a list of its highest order.

Now, the list includes stores in the obvious locations like NYC, LA and Chicago. Other boutiques in cities such as Portland, Tucson and Austin are included to increase its inclusivity. And kudos for using the picture of an empty parking lot at a St. Vincent De Paul in Dayton, OH.

The 25 Best Vintage Stores in America []